Monday, November 26, 2012

Use Of Social Media For Businesses On The Decline?

Let's face it email marketing is still the most effective with measurable results.
Direct mail is even more effective if done well, and that is mainly because you are engaging with people who already know, like and trust you and that is why they gave you their email or postal address.

Marketing and Measuring- May I note though that social media marketing will only work for your business if you do have a plan and a systemised way to do it, using split testing, proper structure for your offers and proper measuring. In that sense Social media is no different from any of the other, more traditional marketing strategies that are available to businesses.

Like other means, Social Media needs strategy- My experience of working alongside SME owners is that without support they seldom have any structure or marketing plan, and even less of them have a precise ROI measurement system in place, even when they do traditional marketing. Social media being new on the block, not to mention quite technology and time intensive, it will be the first one readily dumped by SME owners, straight into the "too hard basket".

The Fastest way to grow your following -The fact is, the potential rewards are very high thanks to the viral aspects of Social Media Marketing, and it's regrettable to see Business Owners missing out. But I also believe too much emphasis has been put on the "FREE" ways to do Social Media. Facebook advertising for example is still a relatively non competitive means of advertising, plus incredibly cost effective and well targeted if you know what you are doing. This is also the most effective way to grow your email database, and then use your email strategies to sell.

Don't chase social media sales, grow your list:  I keep saying it in my social media workshops: Stop wanting to sell through social media, use it to grow your email database, and you will get your rewards. To do so, use cost effective social media advertising to grow your list FAST.

Stats for social media marketing are very easy to collect and that in turn allows you to tweak your campaigns until you get the desired results. So if you want to have a go at selling  directly through social media and if your business and products are the right type, like retail, restaurants, beaut therapy etc..., you CAN get sales. I have done it with certain type of clients

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how social marketing can help businesses of today through Instagram. That's why internet marketers are continuously searching for ways to get Instagram followers faster. Got to keep up with the competition and hope that optimizing Instagram accounts will lift the business towards success.
